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Casas de Alpedrinha
Fundão - Quinta do Anjo da Guarda, S/N, EN18,
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A partir de
{{ tticket.avail[0].minprice / 100 | floor }}€
{{ troom.str }}
{{ tmeal.str }}
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{{ toption.pvp / 100| floor}}€
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{{ toption.mpCode }}
{{ toption.pckStr }}
Prix total
{{ toption.pvp / 100| floor}}€
RNT: 7612 Casas de AlpedrinhaThe Casas de Alpedrinha are located on the southern slope of the Serra da Gardunha, an area of ​​protected landscape and breathtaking views. Quinta Anjo da Guarda has 10 single-family villas, framed in an old property and famou[...] RNT: 7612 Casas de Alpedrinha

The Casas de Alpedrinha are located on the southern slope of the Serra da Gardunha, an area of ​​protected landscape and breathtaking views. Quinta Anjo da Guarda has 10 single-family villas, framed in an old property and famous for its spring water pool and proximity to the charming village of Alpedrinha. Invite to a long stay, providing kitchen to prepare meals, microwave, two bedrooms and TV. Those who visit us will be able to travel to the village on foot, through an ancient path, enjoying and breathing the fresh air, once recommended for respiratory treatments. Located on the southern slope of the Serra da Gardunha and protected from winter winds, in Alpedrinha the air is totally clear. The Romans called it Petratinia and perhaps the mystery of a tunnel that begins in one of the streets of Alpedrinha and ends with no one knows where, as its excavation could endanger the houses. Despite being devastated during the Napoleonic invasions, Alpedrinha preserves ancient examples of noble and popular architecture in its picturesque streets, amid gardens and orchards. Popular houses with wooden balconies decorated with vases of sardinheiras and stairs with porch, the great Baroque Royal Fountain, reminiscent of D. João V, the harmonious church of Misericórdia, the palatine facade of the Casa da Comenda, of very old foundation, the chapel of Leão whose decoration of the portico is attributed to the sculptor Nicolau de Chanterenne and other exemplary buildings of the centuries. XVII and XVIII, are reasons that will not fail to delight those who pass through this village.
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